31 July 2008

Bees join hunt for serial killers :

The way bumblebees search for food could help detectives hunt down serial killers, scientists believe.
Just as bees forage some distance away from their hives, so murderers avoid killing near their homes, says the University of London team.
This "geographic profiling" works so well in bees, the scientists say future experiments on the animals could now be fed back to improve crime-solving.
The team's work is reported in the Royal Society journal Interface.
"We're really hopeful that we can improve the model for criminology," Dr Nigel Raine, from Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL), told BBC News.

Thai school offers transsexual toilet :

With its spacious, tree-lined grounds and slightly threadbare classrooms, there is nothing obviously unusual about the Kampang Secondary School.
It is situated in Thailand's impoverished north-east, and most of the pupils are the children of farmers.
Every morning at 0800 they all gather outside to sing the national anthem and watch the flag being raised.
Then they have a chance to use the toilets, before heading off the first classes of the day.
Kampang is proud of its toilets. Spotless, and surrounded by flowering tropical plants, they have won national awards for cleanliness.
But there is something else about them too. Between the girls' toilet and the boys', there is one signposted with a half-man, half-woman figure in blue and red.
This is the transsexual toilet, and outside, in front of the mirrors, some decidedly girly-looking teenage boys preen their hair and apply face cream.

The strange decline of the paperboy :

People in many areas of the country struggle to get a newspaper delivered. It's the burning issue in the world of the newsagent - where did all the newspaper boys and girls go?
Becoming a paper boy or girl is a rite of passage for many children.
Perhaps more than any other part-time job, it educates the young future worker about the importance of getting up in the morning, of punctuality, of steadfastness.
Rising pocket money
Other job opportunities
Concerns over safety
Linked to tiredness in school
New regulations

Olympic boost for Mummy blockbuster ?

As all eyes turn to Beijing for the Olympics, the third instalment of the successful Mummy films offers its own take on China - swapping Egyptian Pyramids for the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
So is the timing a coincidence? Or are the filmmakers hoping for a box office boost from the Olympic Games?
Seven years after the bandages last came off, actor Brendan Fraser returns in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor as archaeologist Rick O'Connell, this time retired, and with a grown-up son Alex.
When Alex, played by Australian actor Luke Ford, accidentally awakens the Dragon Emperor (Jet Li), his parents leap from their sedentary retirement to help save the world.
For Fraser, China offered the perfect setting for this latest romp.

Lebanese singer 'killed in Dubai'

Lebanese singer Suzanne Tamim has been found dead at her home in the Gulf emirate of Dubai, media reports say.
Police in Dubai have declined to comment on the case apart from to say they are investigating and will make an announcement soon.
Media reports say her body was stabbed repeatedly and her face mutilated.
Tamim won fame after appearing on a TV talent show in Lebanon in 1996, but her career was marred by stories about a troubled private life.
After winning a Gold Medal on the Studio al-Fann programme, she was a hailed both for her beauty and as well as a voice that was equally suited to pop tunes and classical Arabic melodies.
Tamim was reported to have fled Lebanon to Egypt some years ago after a number of bitter legal battles with her estranged second husband, music producer Adel Maatouk.
Reports say she disappeared from public view in Cairo in 2007 and was thought to be living in Dubai's exclusive Jumeira district.

MPs ask websites to vet content :

YouTube has been criticised by MPs, who say it must do more to vet its content.
In a review of net safety, the Culture, Media and Sport select committee said a new industry body should be set up to protect children from harmful content.
It also said it should be "standard practice" for sites hosting user-generated content to review material proactively.
YouTube's owners said the site had strict rules and a system that allowed users to report inappropriate content.

Row over video games ratings plan :

Planned changes to the way video games are rated have sparked a row about who should be in charge of giving games their official age classification.
Culture Minister Margaret Hodge has announced a consultation on whether the ratings for games should replicate the system for movies.
But games makers oppose plans, backed by MPs, for the British Board of Film Classification to rate games as well.
The games industry wants its own voluntary code to be made official.
Under the current system the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) only rates those games considered to have significant adult content such as sexual material or extreme violence.
About 3% of all the games sold in the UK fall into this category and can only legally be sold to those aged over 18.
All other games are rated under the Pan European Game Information system - an industry administered scheme.

Group tasks world over Darfur aid :

NEW YORK (AP) -- A Darfur advocacy group complained Wednesday that nations aren't doing enough to help the U.N. peacekeeping mission for the stricken Sudanese region, urging them to provide helicopters and other equipment needed to protect civilians.

Big Olympic spend, but little debate :

With total spending expected to exceed $40bn (£20bn), Beijing's Olympic Games may be the most expensive in history.
China has spent the money on new stadiums, infrastructure projects and cleaning up the capital's polluted environment.
In other host cities, this high cost would have led to heated public debate, but in China there has been little controversy.
In a country where information is not always accessible, many people seem not to know how much is being spent.
Calculating the costs associated with an Olympic Games is a tricky business, and the Beijing event is no different.
One problem is deciding what is - and what is not - an Olympic-related cost.
Sporting arenas certainly come under the former category.

Ex-Thai PM's wife guilty of fraud :

The wife of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been convicted of tax fraud by a court in Bangkok.
Pojaman Shinawatra was sentenced to three years in prison, in the first of a series of cases against the family.
She, her brother Bannapot Damapong and her secretary were charged with trying to avoid paying 546m baht ($16.3m) in tax when transferring shares.
The trio were freed on bail of 5m baht ($149,000) each pending an appeal, Thai court officials said.
Mrs Thaksin's brother was sentenced to three years in jail, while her secretary was handed a two-year sentence.

Karadzic due in war crimes court :

The former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, is due to be formally charged by the UN war crimes tribunal.
Mr Karadzic, arrested in Belgrade last week after 13 years on the run, has been extradited to the Netherlands and is being held at a UN detention centre.
At the court in The Hague he will hear the exact charges concerning alleged crimes against humanity and genocide during the 1990s Bosnian conflict.
Mr Karadzic has said he intends to conduct his own defence.
The court appearance is likely to be just the opening skirmish in a long, legal battle, says the BBC's Dominic Hughes in The Hague.

Support for Darfur mission urged :

The international community has been accused of failing to provide basic equipment vital to the peacekeeping mission in Sudan's Darfur region.
The accusation was levelled in a report backed by 36 human rights groups and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
It comes on the first anniversary of the decision to deploy a UN-African Union force in war-torn region.
Meanwhile, the UN Security Council is expected to vote on whether to extend the troops' mandate for another year.
The UN estimates that five years of conflict in Darfur have left 300,000 people dead and more than 2 million people homeless.
Khartoum says the scale of the violence and suffering has been exaggerated by the West for political reasons.
It denies charges that it organised the Arab Janjaweed militias, accused of widespread atrocities against Darfur's black African population.

England faces South Africa in third cricket test today :

BIRMINGHAM: Fast bowler Steve Harmison's return to the England team was put on hold Tuesday when he was left out of the starting eleven for the third Test against South Africa starting at Edgbaston today (Wednesday). Harmison and fellow fast bowler Stuart Broad were the two men to miss out from a 13-man squad when captain Michael Vaughan announced the team during his pre-match captain's press conference. Left-arm swing bowler Ryan Sidebottom returns from injury together with all-rounder Paul Collingwood, who was dropped for the second Test at Leeds, where South Africa won by ten wickets to take a 1-0 lead in the four-match series. Broad and Darren Pattinson are the players dropped. Vaughan said Harmison missed out when it was decided to go into the match with four specialist bowlers instead of five.

Aamir Atlas in World Junior Squash semis :

ZURICH: Aamir Atlas Khan of Pakistan has qualified for the semi-finals in the World Junior Squash Championship, being played in Zurich.Pakistan’s seed one Aamir Atlas Khan defeated Wagih Slaukry 9-1, 9-5 and 9-0 in straight set.The semi-finals of the tournament will be played today.

Oil prices steady in Asian trade :

SINGAPORE: World oil prices steadied in Asian trade on Thursday after a rebound of more than four dollars driven by an unexpected decline in US petrol stockpiles, analysts said. New York's main contract, light sweet crude for September delivery, fell 11 cents to 126.66 dollars a barrel.The contract rallied 4.58 dollars to 126.77 dollars at the close of floor trading Wednesday on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent North Sea crude for September delivery was 12 cents lower at 126.98 dollars a barrel following a rally of 4.39 dollars a barrel to 127.10 dollars Wednesday in London.

Rupee loses paisas 10 against dollar :

Updated at: 1715 PST, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 KARACHI: Rupee value registered decline by paisas 10 against dollar in inter-bank trading on Wednesday.

The closing rate of dollar at inter-bank today was Rs71.60 compared to Rs71.50 yesterday.

Dealers hope that the rupee value will become stable after the central bank’s announcement of hike in the interest rate.

Israel could strike Iran: Obama :

WASHINGTON: White House hopeful Barack Obama believes Israel will launch a military strike on Iran if nuclear sanctions fail, according to a US news agency.
The comment was reportedly made in a meeting late Tuesday between Senator Obama and Democratic members of the House of Representatives, following the presidential contender's return from an overseas tour that included Israel."Nobody said this to me directly, but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don't work, Israel is going to strike Iran," an attendee at the meeting quoted Obama as saying, according to the news agency.
Meanwhile, Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi declined to comment on the substance of the report. But she stressed: "Senator Obama has always said that Iran must end its illicit nuclear program".

Indian High Commissioner calls on Zardari :

ISLAMABAD: Indian High Commissioner Satiabrat Pal met with co-chairman Pakistan People’s Party Asif Ali Zardari here on Wednesday.According to sources, views were exchanged in the meeting regarding recent firing at the Line of Control.Peace, solidarity and bi-lateral relations were discussed during the 40-minute meeting.Both agreed that the two countries would resolve their issues through dialogue.

48 Taliban killed, 5 security personnel martyred in Swat clashes :

SWAT: More than 48 Taliban militants including 10 commanders have been killed in a fierce clash in the troubled Swat valley in the northwest, while 5 personnel of security forces were martyred, according to military sources.The fighting took place overnight in a village near Matta, a known stronghold of militants in the region."We have inflicted heavy losses on the militants. We have video footage showing bodies of the militants killed in t ... Full Story

Over 10 Taliban killed in Swat operation :

SWAT: More than 10 Taliban have been killed during fresh action in Swat whereas two hours curfew relaxation has been announced in the district.Security forces targeted Taliban hideouts with mortar shells in Sarbanda, Barmaba Khela, Peochar, Numl and Gutshor areas in tehsil Matta.Sources said that 10 Taliban were killed and several injured during the operation. Taliban attacked Kabal police station and Wanai check post. They were managed to flee after joint retaliatory action by police and security forces. Fresh contingents of FC have reached in Matta and Kabal areas.
According to ISPR, curfew has been relaxed from 10:00 am to 12: noon in the district.

Pakistan probables including Shoaib Akhtar clear dope test :

KARACHI: Pakistan’s 26 out of 30 probable cricketers including fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar, selected for the ICC Champions Trophy, have cleared dope tests.According to Pakistani Cricket Board (PCB) spokesman, Anti doping agency’s dope control officer Dr. Lubna Sibtain conducted these tests on July 20 in Lahore and the specimen were sent to a WADA’s certified laboratory in Penang, Malaysia for subsequent testing.As per dope test results, all 26 players have cleared. These players included Shoaib Akhtar, who tested positive before the Champions Trophy 2006."The tests were conducted on 26 of the 30 players in the preliminary squad for the Champions Trophy and I can say that it's a great relief that all the tests are negative," PCB chief operating officer Shafqat Naghmi said.
Three players – Azhar Ali, Yasir Arfat and Bazid Khan - missed the tests carried out last week as they were playing league cricket in England, while Younis Khan was in Saudi Arabia and their tests will be conducted later, said Naghmi. Fast bowler Mohammad Asif did not feature in the latest tests as he is fighting to clear his name after he tested positive for nandrolone during the Indian Premier League earlier this month.
A test on his 'B' sample is due on August 6.

No deadline discussed regarding nuclear program: Iran FM

TEHRAN: Iranian foreign minister Manuchehr Mottaki said no deadline was discussed with European Union’s Javier Solana regarding Iran’s nuclear program.He was speaking with reporters at the conclusion of the fifteenth Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) ministerial meeting in Tehran. In response to a question about how sure Iran was of NAM's support on the nuclear issue, he said: We do not make decisions concerning our programmes and activities based on the kind of support we receive from individuals, groups or places.
According to Mottaki NAM's support for Iran's peaceful nuclear activities serves chiefly to address the wrong mindset that exists in the international community concerning Iran. Responding to a question about Iran's nuclear case, Mottaki expressed optimism and said that the talks must proceed within a constructive, defined and defensible framework. He called on Javier Solana and representatives of the 5+1 who attended the Tehran meeting to remain committed to the Tehran talks and stressed: When Mr Solana presented the Iranian party with the so- called non paper, he said that these are our proposals for the negotiations and we are waiting for Iran's proposals on this issue.

Karachi milk sellers increase per litre price :

KARACHI: The milk sellers has increased the per litre price of milk by Rs.4.President Dairy Farmers Association Haji Akhter announced the increment in price of wholesale milk in an emergency meeting of milk sellers here.The wholesale price of milk has been increased from Rs. 38 per litre to Rs. 42 per litre after which the milk sellers have increased the price from Rs.40 to Rs. 44 per litre.The milk sellers said that they had repeatedly requested .... Full Story

30 July 2008

Neil Young's 'dangerous' tour documented :

NEW YORK (AP) -- Not every musician will make a film that features a fan facing him from a concert audience with two arms raised, middle fingers extended -- more than one fan, in fact.
Neil Young was singing protest songs on a "Freedom of Speech" tour with David Crosby, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash at the time. Ignoring that kind of nonverbal speech would contradict the message, wouldn't it?
It was an easy call. Using the nom de plume Bernard Shakey, Young directs "CSNY: Deja Vu," a film that uses the tumult surrounding CSNY's 2006 concert tour as a backdrop for exploring divisions in the country over the Iraq war. It opens in theaters on Friday.
Before the tour, Young had released "Living With War," the blunt anti-war album where he was backed by a full chorus on songs like "Let's Impeach the President." There was little mistaking his intentions; one of the film's funniest moments shows Young almost physically knocked back when a CNN reporter mentioned the song and asked him, "What's that song about?"

Man charged in slaying of pregnant soldier :

(CNN) -- A North Carolina man has been charged with murdering a pregnant Fort Bragg soldier, police said TuesdayFayetteville detectives arrested Edgar Patino, a fellow soldier, at his home in Hope Mills, North Carolina, about 15 miles south of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
He is accused of killing Spc. Megan Lynn Touma, 23, found dead on June 21 in a hotel near Fort Bragg.
She was seven-months pregnant at the time of her death, authorities said.
Touma, a five-year veteran of the Army, had served with the U.S. Army Dental Activity Clinic in Bamberg, Germany, and in Fort Drum, New York, before her stint at Fort Bragg.
Two of Touma's friends told CNN that Touma and Patino had been stationed together in Germany and dated in the past.
Touma's friends said Patino proposed to her in Germany before Touma learned, on her return to North Carolina, that Patino was still married.

Day in pictures :

Where are the new movie themes ?

In the not-so-distant past, every summer blockbuster had to have its own chartbusting theme song.
Bryan Adams did everything he did for Robin Hood; Whitney Houston would always love her Bodyguard; Celine Dion's heart, she assured us, would go on, despite the sinking of the Titanic.
But, musicals like Mamma Mia! aside, recent blockbusters have been bereft of big-name ballads. From X-Men to Pirates of the Caribbean, there isn't a power chord in sight.
Most striking of all is the complete absence of rock music in the rebooted Batman franchise.
Hans Zimmer, who co-wrote the soundtrack for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, says his vision of Gotham City has no room for the likes of U2, Prince and R Kelly.
"There was never any doubt that we were going to be songless," says the Oscar-winning composer.
"And, trust me, we were flooded with requests from every band in the world. I actually had to say no to some really interesting people."

Royal screening for Harry Potter :

Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince has been chosen for this year's Royal Film Performance.
The sixth Potter instalment will receive its European premiere in front of a yet-to-be announced member of the Royal Family on 17 November.
Actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint reprise their roles, while Jim Broadbent joins the cast.
Last year's Royal Film Performance was cancelled amid controversy about the chosen movie, Brick Lane.
Protestors claimed the film, based on Monica Ali's novel, portrayed residents of London's Brick Lane as uneducated.
A royal spokesman said the controversy had been taken into account, but it had also been impossible to find a date for The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to attend a screening.
It marked the first time the annual gala had been scrapped since 1958.

China becomes biggest net nation :

China now has the world's largest net-using population, say official figures. More than 253 million people in the country are now online, according to statistics from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).
The figure is higher than the 223 million that the US mustered in June, according to Nielsen Online.

The development is significant because the US has had the largest net-using population since records of how many people were online started to be kept.
"This is the first time the number has drastically surpassed the United States, becoming the world's number one," said a statement from the CNNIC, the nation's official net monitoring body.
The 2008 figure is up 56% in a year, said CNNIC. Analysts expect the total to grow by about 18% per annum and hit 490 million by 2012.
About 95% of those going online connect via high-speed links. Take up of broadband has been boosted by deals offered by China's fixed line phone firms as they fight to win customers away from mobile operators.
China's mobile phone-using population stands at about 500 million people.

Search site aims to rival Google :

Former workers at the web giant Google have launched a rival search engine.
Called Cuil, from the Gaelic for knowledge and hazel, its founders claim it does a better and more comprehensive job of indexing information online.
The technology it uses to index the web can understand the context surrounding each page and the concepts driving search requests, say the founders.
But analysts believe the new search engine, like many others, will struggle to match and defeat Google.

HP, Intel, Yahoo in cloud tie-up :

Chip giant Intel is teaming up with web firm Yahoo and hardware company HP to create virtual research centres for cloud computing.
Cloud computing offers online storage and promises a range of new services for data and devices that are plugged into the cloud.
Initially six data centres will be available for pre-selected researchers to test new applications.
Research firm Gartner has dubbed cloud computing as influential as e-business.

Scrabulous halted on Facebook :

The developers of popular Facebook application Scrabulous suspend the game for some users following legal action.
Scrabble's owners sue Scrabulous

Fans fight for Scrabulous future

73-year-old porn star bedazzles Japan's aged :

Shigeo Tokuda looks like your average retiree, wearing a classy gray suit and distinguished glasses. But there is nothing average about this 73-year-old when he steps in front of the camera. Shigeo Tokuda is a porn star.

Monetary policy to be announced today :

KARACHI: Governor State Bank of Pakistan Dr Shamshad Akhtar is presenting today the Monetary policy for the next six months.Besides increase in discount rate, increase in the minimum rate of profit on bank accounts and change in procedure of re-finance are expected in the monetary policy.For reviewing the monetary policy, a meeting of the SBP Monetary Board will be held on Wednesday at the State Bank in Karachi in which the new policy will be approved.

America's house price time bomb :

With the American housing market in its worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, President Bush is expected to sign into law a massive new government intervention designed to slow the slide.

Banks in the US could end up owning ever more houses
The intervention would come as a little known quirk of US law threatens to drive down house prices even faster.
Faced with seemingly never-ending falls in the value of their properties, some American home-owners are taking radical action; they are choosing to walk away from homes and their mortgages.
In May 2006, at the height of the housing boom, Karen Trainer bought a $500,000 apartment in California - with money borrowed from her bank.
By this year, Karen still owed $500,000 on her mortgage, but her apartment was worth $200,000 less.
So she was deep in negative equity and, to make matters worse, the interest rate on her loan was about to increase.
"I thought 'this is crazy'," Ms Trainer says. "It just does not make financial sense."

Iraq's growing female bomber fear :

=Monday's triple suicide attack against Shia pilgrims in Baghdad highlighted what seems to a growing phenomenon - the use by Sunni-based radical Islamist insurgents of women to carry out suicide attacks.
Police said all three of the attackers in the bombings, which claimed the lives of about 25 pilgrims, were women.
Eyewitnesses in the city of Kirkuk - where at least 22 people were reported to have been killed by a suicide bomb attack on a crowd of protesting Kurds - said the attacker there was also a woman.
American military figures indicate that there have been at least 27 suicide bombings carried out by women in Iraq this year, a sharp jump from only eight in 2007.

Latif asks cricketing nations to take part in Champions Trophy :

KARACHI: Former captain of Pakistan cricket team Rashid Latif said that cricket community should support Pakistan in war against terrorism by participating in Champions Trophy because boycott would encourage the extremists.Talking to Geo News correspondent Ateequr Rehman, Rashid Latif said that cricketing nations should play their due role in war against terror by participate in Championship Trophy which would be held in Pakistan. The entire world is in a grip of terrorism and any untoward incident could be happened anywhere in any part of world. Recent blasts occurred in India is an example of this; therefore everyone must play his due role in war against terror, Rashid said.He said that boycott of the tournament or sending B teams would encourage the extremists. Champions Trophy should be organized in Pakistan according to schedule and cricketing countries must participate in it.This step would boost the cricket and discourage the terrorists, he added.

KARACHI: The PTCL employees have ended their strike on acceptance of all their demands :

KARACHI: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) prices have been increased once again surging by 3 rupees in Punjab and 5 rupees per kilo in NWFP and Sindh as rising cost of production forces producers to reduce output by another hundred tones.Chairman LPG distributors association, Abdul Hadi Khan told Geo news that producers have decreased their output by 500 tones in a period of just 35 days.Now, daily production stands at 1700 tones which is able to me .... Full Story

PTCL employees end strike on acceptance of demands :

KARACHI: The PTCL employees have ended their strike on acceptance of all their demands.According to sources, salaries of contract and regular employees have been raised by 35 per cent after their successful negotitations.The contract employees have been regularized while they will be given all benefits except pension.This has been decided at the negotiations to form a committee for increase in salaries and this committee will submit ... Full Story

Giant chunks break off Canadian ice shelf :

Giant sheets of ice totaling almost eight square miles broke off an ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic last week and more could follow later this year, scientists said on Tuesday.
Temperatures in large parts of the Arctic have risen far faster than the global average in recent decades, a development that experts say is linked to global warming.The ice broke away from the shelf on Ward Hunt Island, an small island just off giant Ellesmere Island in one of the northernmost parts of Canada.It was the largest fracture of its kind since the nearby Ayles ice shelf -- which measured 25 square miles -- broke away in 2005.Scientists had already identified deep cracks in the Ward Hunt shelf, which measures around 155 square miles. The shelf is one of five along Ellesmere Island in the northern Arctic."Because the break-off occurred between two large parallel cracks they're thinking more could go this summer before the freeze sets in".said the scientist
"It underscores the fact that each year we're now crossing new thresholds in environmental change in the High Arctic, and of course our concern in the longer term is that these may signal the onset of serious change at all latitudes, much further to the south, for example," he told Reuters.

World's Skin Cancer Hot Spots :

You probably know by now that making bad decisions when it comes to sun protection can be life threatening. While some people smartly skip the mid-day sun altogether, others work outdoors in tank tops every day or hit the beach with a bottle of baby oil, increasing their chances of developing skin cancer. But it isn't all about daily habits--a portion of the risk has to do with culture and family history. Where we live (a result of latitude and long-term migration patterns), prevailing cultural beliefs (and the associated garb), and common vacationing habits all play a role in our chances of developing ailments related to sun-exposure.

2 Faced Baby Born In India :

A very special girl was born last March in a small suburb of Delhi, India.She was born with 4 eyes, 2 noses, 2 mouths, 2 ears, and 1 dimple on a shared cheek.“I had never seen something like this in my life so naturally I was a little scared when I first saw her,” her father was quoted as saying. The young girl and her mother are both healthy and the family has no intentions of seeking surgery to correct the deformities. “The doctor said everything is normal when she was born. So where’s the need to get medical help?” said the child’s father. “She’s fed through one mouth and sucks her thumb with the other. We use whichever mouth is free to feed her.”

Giant Eye, Hurricane Dolly, More :

Visionary new Tosca set graces the world's biggest floating stage for the 63rd Bregenz Festival of opera on the Bodensee (Lake Constance), which began Wednesday and runs until August 23.Formed by a glacier during the Ice Age, the Bodensee is shared by Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, though its borders are disputed. Austria, for example, sees the lake as undivided and jointly controlled by the three countries, whereas Switzerland contends that borders run through the middle of the lake.

29 July 2008

The Obama Principle :

Despite Barack Obama's moves to the center, the Democratic presidential nominee has planted his flag firmly with liberals when it comes to one issue: race and gender preferences in public education, employment and contracting.
Over the weekend, Mr. Obama accused his Republican rival of flip-flopping after John McCain endorsed an initiative to ban preferential treatment pushed by former University of California regent Ward Connerly. Such proposals will be on ballots this fall in Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska.
Despite Barack Obama's moves to the center, the Democratic presidential nominee has planted his flag firmly with liberals when it comes to one issue: race and gender preferences in public education, employment and contracting.
Over the weekend, Mr. Obama accused his Republican rival of flip-flopping after John McCain endorsed an initiative to ban preferential treatment pushed by former University of California regent Ward Connerly. Such proposals will be on ballots this fall in Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska.

But then Mr. Obama also claims to oppose quotas, saying he supports "affirmative action as a means of overcoming both historic and potentially current discrimination." Any such programs can't be "simply applied without looking at the whole person." In other words, he wants it both ways: He favors race preferences but they need to be packaged "individually."
Should the issue of racial preferences come up in the debates this fall, you can expect both candidates to try to engage in "nuance." But Mr. Obama will have the harder time. Even in Michigan, which hasn't voted Republican for president in 20 years, the initiative Mr. Obama campaigned against won easily with 58% of the vote.

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, plus video commentary, on Opinion Journal.

Obama promises efforts to revive economy :

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday blamed "irresponsible decisions" by the Bush administration and Wall Street for the country's economic woes as the White House said the budget deficit would soar to record heights next year.
Turning to domestic problems after a week's tour of the Middle East and Europe, Obama met with more than a dozen economic advisers, appearing with them briefly before retreating for a two-hour closed meeting. The new deficit numbers were the latest sign of an economy in decline, with foreclosures rising, home prices falling, energy prices soaring and nearly a half-million job losses since January.
"It was not an accident or a normal part of the business cycle that led us to this situation," Obama said. "There were some irresponsible decisions that were made on Wall Street and in Washington."
Obama said the economy needs both short- and long-term fixes, including another "stimulus" from Congress, and a longer-term focus on renewable energy to curb high gas prices and on universal health care to trim costs. He said he would move "rapidly and vigorously" to respond.
"We are also going to have to provide some short-term relief," Obama said. "People are hurting right now. We need to respond rapidly and vigorously to problems, and to anticipate the problems that may be on the horizon."

Britney Spears Nominated for Video Music Award :

Britney Spears is in the running for a 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, it was announced on Friday.
After thousands of votes on VMA.MTV.com (along with ballots from select industry insiders), the 26-year-old VMA veteran is up for Best Female Music Video for "Piece of Me."
At last year's VMAs, Spears appeared nervous, out-of-shape and just plain out-of-it on stage, botching what was supposed to be her "comeback performance."
Spears will compete in the category against Katy Perry for "I Kissed a Girl," Rihanna for "Take a Bow," Mariah Carey for "Touch My Body" and Jordin Sparks for "No Air."
The 25th annual awards will be hosted by British actor/comedian Russell Brand. The show will air live on Sept. 7 at 9 p.m. ET/PT from Paramount Studios in Hollywood.

Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell expecting twins

LOS ANGELES (Reuters Life!) - Actors Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell are expecting twins this winter, a spokesman for Romijn said on Monday.
It will be the first delivery for the couple, who married in 2007.
Romijn, a 35-year-old former fashion model, starred as the mutant Mystique in the "X-Men" movies. She was previously married to "ER" actor John Stamos.
O'Connell, 34, had a breakout role in the 1986 movie "Stand By Me" and has appeared on the TV show "Crossing Jordan."
(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Bob Tourtellotte and Dean Goodman)

Troubled Singer Amy Winehouse Rushed to Hospital :

R&B/Pop star Amy Winehouse was hospitalized Monday (Jul 28) for a reaction to medication but was expected to be released by morning, according to a representative. According to spokesman Chris Goodman, Winhouse was rushed from her London home to University College Hospital. "Doctors have advised that she will be kept under observation overnight and is likely to be released tomorrow," read a statement released by Goodman and U.S. publicist Tracey Miller. This is the second time in little over a month that Winehouse has been in the hospital. She was admitted to a London clinic in June after collapsing at home. Any the time, father Mitch Winehouse said she had developed early stage emphysema from smoking cigarettes and crack cocaine.

Record $482 Billion '09 Deficit Forecast :

The federal budget deficit will grow to a record $482 billion in the fiscal year that begins in October, the White House said yesterday, driven by war costs, tax rebates, and a slowing economy that will leave the next president little room to fulfill costly campaign promises.
White House budget director Jim Nussle said unexpectedly slow economic growth, sharp declines in housing prices and an unanticipated increase in inflation will help drive next year's tide of red ink close to half a trillion dollars, up sharply from February's $407 billion estimate.
"We are not happy about the deficit," Nussle conceded.

Another batch of four F-16s joins PAF :

SARGODHA: A simple but impressive ceremony for handing over of four, F-16 aircraft to Pakistan Air Force was held at PAF Base Mushaf, Sargodha. Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal, Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed received the fighting Falcons from Lieutenant General Martin E Dempsey, acting Commander US CENTCOM. Addressing the ceremony, Tanvir said that the batch of aircraft which arrived today have the same operational capability as of the already possessed F-16 aircraft by the PAF and will significantly augment its combat capability in defending the aerial frontiers of Pakistan.A contingent of high-ranking officials from Air Forces of Pakistan and United States were also present on the occasion.

Disease Early Warning System to be improved in Sindh: Health Minister :

KARACHI: Sindh Health Minister Dr. Saghir Ahmed has issued directives to the officials concerned to provide the Dengue Virus diagnostic system free of cost to all the patients suffering from the disease. He urged that platelets units should be made available in all Sindh government hospitals.Talking to Geo News here, the Minister said in order to check the spread of Dengue Virus across province, the Disease Early Warning System (DEWS) would be improved on emergency basis.

Bajaur Tahrik-e-Taliban’s 4 senior members form new group :

KHAR: Bajaur Agency Tahrik-e-Taliban’s four senior members, defecting from the Tahrik, announced here forming their own Tahrike-e-Taliban Al Jihad. Bajaur Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman, Salar Masood from an unknown place on telephone told the journalists that four member of the Tahrik have resigned, which included Molvi Munir, Dr. Abdul Wahab, Molvi abdul hameed and he himself. He said that the four leaders, presenting their resignations to the Bajaur Tahrik-e-Taliban Amir, Molvi Faqir Muhammad, have set up a separate organization named Tahrik-e- Taliban Al Jihad. He said that some members of Tahrik-e-Taliban had killed innocent people in Mohmand Agency, which was brought to the notice of Amir Baitullah Mahsood, but no action was taken. He said that the four leaders have ceded from the Tahrik in protest.


‘300’ director brings ‘Watchmen’ to Comic-Con 'Al-Qaeda' woman appears in court 'Allah meat' astounds Nigerians 'Blood oil' dripping from Nigeria 'Father' of Congolese rumba dies 'Fitness pill' being developed 'Golden Girls' Actress Estelle Getty Dies 'Musharraf should be hanged' : Nawaz Sharif 'Rare' mammoth skull discovered 'Terror' school turns out to be moderate madrassa “Pakistan knew about the U.S. strikes” $30b investments on energy projects in pipeline: Pervaiz Ashraf 000 at sale 000 marks 000 tons of sugar from local 000 Vaio laptops 1 Dead in N.H. Storms That Levels Several Homes 100 missing in Congo boat accident 11 killed in Philippines buses collision 14 killed 144 level 15 AUG : 15 dead 15 killed in Iraq bomb blasts 154 injured in Istanbul double bombing 17 blasts in Indian city Ahmedabad kill 26 2 Faced Baby Born In India 3 missing in ocean off N.Y 3 swimmers dead 39 Pakistani probable announced for 4-nation hockey tournament 4 civilians in Iraq 47 dead 48 Taliban killed 5 killed 5 security men die in Afghan violence 5 security personnel martyred in Swat clashes 65 percent Pakistanis want trial of Pervez Musharraf 70 killed in Swat clashes 73 Taliban 73-year-old porn star bedazzles Japan's aged 8 killed in Bannu police van blast 800 Aamir Atlas in World Junior Squash semis Action agenda for speedy justice to Balochistan women discussed Admiral Mullen meets General Kayani in Rawalpindi Afghan ambush kills French troops Afghan unrest sparks aid warning Afghanistan president accused of protecting drug smugglers Africa's women last and least in food crisis Aid women killed in Afghanistan Airlines Face The Abyss Aishwarya Rai to play Benazir Bhutto? Al-Qaeda faces Islamist backlash Al-Qaida recruits going to Afghanistan: Iraq Al-Qaida senior leader grants rare TV interview Al-Qaida: Explosives expert wanted by US killed Alexander Solzhenitsyn dies at 89 All because the lady loves a foreign accent America's house price time bomb Angry man shoots lawn mower for not starting Another batch of four F-16s joins PAF APDM meeting mulls launching anti-Govt. movement Apple CEO Jobs' life not in danger Apple launches iPhone bug fix Arctic Map shows dispute hotspots Argentine dog saves abandoned baby Army Chief Kiyani to visit China next week as coke reserves exhausting tomorrow Asfandyar Asif Ali Zardari to take oath of President today Asif Ali Zardari with Hamid Karzai Asif fails again to clear dope test At least nine climbers die on K2 Himalayan peak ATI ... In 2010 Attack becomes defence in Helmand Attacks begin on net address flaw Attacks on Pakistan soil not to be tolerated: Malik Australia suffering 'man drought' Australian plea for 'ugly' women Available resources being mobilized to enhance productivity: Shahbaz Azam Warsak missile attack under investigation: DG Bajaur Tahrik-e-Taliban’s 4 senior members form new group Balochistan MPAs pass no-trust motion against Musharraf Barack Obama Batman's nemesis crowns dark tale Bearish KSE sinks by 259 points Bees join hunt for serial killers Beijing Belding in Vegas Benazir Bhutto's niece may try Bollywood Berlusconi in breast cover-up row Big Brother star Goody has cancer Big Olympic spend Bill Clinton rallies HIV workers Bill Clinton vows to back Obama Bin Laden ex-driver found guilty Black And White Twins: Brothers From The Same Mother Bomb blasts kills 5 security personnel Brangelina Births a Humongous Photo Spread Breakthrough 'In Malaria Fight Breakthrough For Baby Miracle To Enter USA Brent crude falls below 100 dlrs a barrel British FM condemns New Delhi attacks Britney Spears Nominated for Video Music Award Budget bride's basement bargains Bumblebees outwit robotic spiders Busch nets near wire-to-wire win at Kroger 200 Bush backs McCain for president Bush chides China over freedoms Bush may call Musharraf Bush plays host at Camp David to ruler of Dubai Bush throws support behind Georgia Bush to keep troop levels in Iraq for '08 Bush: Pakistan has 'responsibility' to battle extremists but little debate Caesarean babies' 'diabetes risk' call off notification for judges’ reinstatement Call to tackle UK business waste Can a disabled model make it in fashion ? Celebrities leading tattoo demand Character building on Hollywood Boulevard Charge-sheet against Musharraf strong and voluminous: Sherry Chef sorry for poison plant error Chemical coat to mean drier socks Chief Coach resigns Chiefs admit Brum skyline mix-up Childrens of Asif Ali Zardari China becomes biggest net nation China deports US Tibet protesters China Friendship Group to be set up in Parliament: PM Gilani China jumps Olympics air hurdle China Mobile to further invest $ 800 mln in Pakistan China tops medal table China: Rapid Beijing-Tianjin train link opens on Friday China: Some Internet sites unblocked at Olympics Press Centre China's Darfur policy in tune with law Chinese border assault kills 16 Chinese border attack 'kills 16' City in China's west locks down after bombings Clinton urges party to back Obama Clipboards hijacked in web attack Coldplay lead Q award nominations Complete Baby Tyrannosaurid Unearthed in Mongolia Computer viruses make it to orbit Confidential papers leaked from PPP cell: Ch Shujaat confirms Pentagon Country's 'Guitar Man' Reed dies Cowell tops 'TV villain' survey Cricket team coach Lawson Crime 'damages' Mexico economy curfew imposed Dangerous Game Danish soldier killed in Afghanistan Dave Matthews saxophonist is dead Day in pictures Day in pictures 14 Aug Day in the Picture Deadly blasts hit Istanbul street Deadly floods hit Romania Death toll in Kohat suicide attacks mounts to 7 Death toll in Wah blasts climbs to 70 Decision on deposed judges today: Naek Decision to continue operation up to achievement of objectives in Swat declares emergency Democrats praise 'new hope' Obama Deposed CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry leaves for Karachi Deposed Pakistan judge heads for protest rally diesel up Rs3.50 Disease Early Warning System to be improved in Sindh: Health Minister DIY Olympians told to 'ease off' DMX Serenades Reporters With His Own Special Song of Freedom Dog Rescues Woman From Kangaroo Dollar closes at Rs76.35 Dollar goes beyond Rs75 in inter-bank Donovan plans new album comeback Dr. Aafia Siddiqui declines U.S charges in NY court Dr. Aafia’s son Ahmed handed over to Pakistan Dr. Afia is in critical condition Dr.Afia shifted to US Drilled vase gets £25 Driver statement recorded on PM motorcade firing Drugs 'cause' higher death rate duty abolished on import Eat kangaroo to 'save the planet' Engineer: We can use food waste to generate electricity England faces South Africa in third cricket test today Europe seeks overseas film boost Ex-Thai PM fails to attend court Ex-Thai PM's wife guilty of fraud Experts poised for rare frog hunt Exports up 29% Face transplant 'double success' Families to get cholesterol tests Farm pregnancy 'cuts asthma risk' Fast-food kids' meals heavy on calories: group Fazal for joint strategy on vital issues FBI Swoops In for Hathaway Diaries FCC approves XM-Sirius satellite radio merger Federer advances to fourth round at US Open Tennis Fifteen militants killed in Sawat operation Film censor defends Batman rating Finally Battle for Britney's Children Ends Firm claims first pet dog clones First rule of wedding TV: it’s all about the bride Flatulence joke is world's oldest Florida braced for tropical storm Food Crisis Looms in East Africa four missing France's first lady also first in record sales Freeman recovering after surgery freezes its accounts French Scientists Find New Alien World Fresh clashes kill 21 in Kurram Agency Fruits Fuel costs fail to drive down Hummer passion Functional Human Blood Vessels Grown in Lab Mice Gaddafi charged for cleric kidnap Game sharers face legal crackdown Gates backs Afghan border strikes George Michael plays 'last' shows Georgia and Russia agree on truce Germany hails 'bullet-proof bra' Giant chunks break off Canadian ice shelf Giant Eye Gilani Gilani asks US not to make one-sided operation in Pakistan Gilani detained ahead of Kashmir rally Gilani soon: White House Glasgow East: Labour voters react Global Aids forum opens in Mexico GM looks to an electric avenue Google accused on privacy views Google climbdown on abortion ads Google launches internet browser Google tweaks Chrome licence text GOP kills effort to release oil from US stockpile Government to buy additional 750 Govt bans TTP Govt. to restore deposed CJ: Zardari Govt. to sell assets to meet budget deficit: Shamshad Great White Shark Filmed Breaching at Night. Grooverider released from prison Group tasks world over Darfur aid Hacker appeals to home secretary Hacker vows to fight extradition Halle Berry pushes back against paparazzi Hand predictions on fingers Health and Beauty Column Debuts Today at Health News Heaviest Car Balanced on the Head Helen Mirren have the Sexiest Stomachs Hi-tech criminals target Twitter Hi-tech thieves target Olympics HIV drugs 'add 13 years of life' Hollywood's Best-Paid Actors House Speaker Pelosi calls Bush ‘a total failure’ Housewives star announces split How secure is your card info? HP Huge statue of Roman ruler found Hurricane Dolly Hurricane Ike destroys 49 U.S. oil-producing platforms I am not leaving Pakistan: Musharraf I'd like to work with Aamir Khan: Mehreen Syed IAEA approves India's safeguards agreement ICC delegation arrives in Islamabad ICC postpones Champions Trophy in Pakistan imports 38% In pictures: Mexico's women wrestlers In pictures: Musharraf's career In pictures: Russians in Georgia Incentives Offered to Doctors for Using Electronic Prescriptions For Medicare Patients Increase in electricity price under consideration: Pervaiz Ashraf Independence day being celebrated with national spirit across Pakistan Independence Day impressive flag hoisting ceremony held in America Independent judiciary ensures economic stability: India arrests leaders in Kashmir India on alert as death toll from India pledges additional aid to Afghanistan India PMs meeting on sidelines of SAARC summit today India to discuss CNG bus manufacturing India to facilitate travel across LoC India-Pakistan row clouds summit India’s 170-run win levels series against Sri Lanka Indian High Commissioner calls on Zardari Indian Naveen Kumar wins Indo-Pak Rustam Dangal Indian troops fire at Battal check post in Rawalakot injure 50 Intel Intel unites the internet with TV Intel's Larrabee Graphics To Take On Nvidia Internet Explorer gets makeover Investigators examine hole in jumbo jet IOC meets amid Beijing concerns iPhone ad rapped as 'misleading' iPirates face jail time in customs frisk Iran serious in nuclear talks: Ahmadinejad Iran will use its force to defend against enemies: Ahmadinejad Iran's IAEA envoy says it will continue uranium enrichment Iraq's growing female bomber fear Is world's wettest place getting drier ? ISPR Israel could strike Iran: Obama Israel warns on Iran nuclear aims Israel's Lopsided Swap Criticized Jade enters the Indian BB house Japan remembers nuclear attack on Hiroshima Japanese swimmer sets record Jennifer Lopez Sued Over Dog Attack Jerry O'Connell expecting twins Karachi goods transporters’ strike comes to an end Karachi milk sellers increase per litre price KARACHI: The PTCL employees have ended their strike on acceptance of all their demands. Karadzic appeal deadline passes Karadzic due in war crimes court Karzai agree to counter terrorism jointly Kashmir bus service to resume today Katrina Kaif Bollywood Spicy Girl Cute Pics Khan must be questioned over nuclear blueprints: ex-inspector Knightley stars at Duchess launch Kosovo lives: A mixed village KSE KSE trading volume drops to three months’ lows KSE- index dips over 400 pts KSE-index ends current week at two years’ lowest LaBeouf booked for DUI after late-night wreck LaBeouf held after road accident Largest Tree Transplanted Latest Little ThinkPad Delivers Big Performance Latif asks cricketing nations to take part in Champions Trophy Lawyers for Karadzic to Appeal Extradition to The Hague Lawyers set September 15 deadline for judges’ restoration ld rivals vie to be new Nepal PM Leaking mushroom soup halts plane Lebanese singer 'killed in Dubai' Ledger 'brilliant' in last film Legal milestone for open source Legendary producer Wexler is dead Lehman bankruptcy shakes world financial system Lennox recovers from back surgery Leona Lewis up for US MTV award Limits to China's pledge of change Lohan hits out at 'bully' father Longest Document Scanned Longest Fingernails - Female Madonna brings movie to Michigan Madonna raves on as tour begins Malaysia watches Anwar election Mammoths moved 'out of America' Man charged in slaying of pregnant soldier many migrate Marissa Jaret Winokur Is a Mama Marley statue unveiled in Serbia Mars robots begin test campaign Mary-Kate's Lawyer: She Knows Nothing Math study finds girls are just as good as boys McCain makes huge gamble with VP pick McCain picks female running mate McCain vows to fight to change US Merged banks' names cybersquatted Middlesex to participate in Twenty20 Champions League Militant hideouts pounded in Bajaur Military's top priority still seeks defeat for al-Qaeda: Robert Gates Million dollar garments made of gold coins in Tokyo Millions of people flee Hurricane Gustav in New Orleans Mirwaiz MoD to hold bearskin hat meeting Monetary policy to be announced today Moon festival celebrated in Hong Kong morality More Morgan Freeman in 'good spirits' Most Spoons Balanced on the Face mourn dead colleague MPA’s brother among 10 killed in Swat rocket attack MPs ask websites to vet content Mums 'accept natural birth risks' Musharraf free to go anywhere including U.S: Boucher Musharraf regime’s accords with US need be made public: NS Musharraf urges 'reconciliation' Musharraf was advised to resign two months ago: Zardari Musharraf: I will not leave Pakistan Mysterious Insect Baffles N Korea 'develops special noodle' Natasha Paracha is new Miss Pakistan World NATO forces kill 4 civilians in Afghanistan Nato holds Georgia crisis summit NATO Press Pakistan to Fight Terror On Afghan Nawaz Nawaz says going before out of country Nawaz says won’t give confidence vote to PM Nawaz- Zardari talks successful Neil Young's 'dangerous' tour documented Nepal Maoists set condition on heading new govt New Sadar of Pakistan Nigerian advises against 86 wives Nigerian man to divorce 82 wives No assault charge for Batman Bale No deadline discussed regarding nuclear program: Iran FM No differences with team management: Shoaib Malik No Pakistani in top 20 of world squash ranking No security threats in Pakistan: Younus Khan Non-bailable arrest warrants against Pervez Elahi (Pakistan Ex-Prime Minister) Notification issued to increase electricity prices NYPD invites citizen crime images NYT reports Obama launches historic campaign Obama promises efforts to revive economy Obama sets out his Israel vision Ofcom seeks help on mobile rules Oil prices slip to 90 dollars Oil prices steady in Asian trade Olympic boost for Mummy blockbuster? Olympic relay in Beijing climax Olympics will be safe Online Fashion Boutiques: Operation against extremists underway in Hangue Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman is in "good spirits" after being injured in a serious car accident near his Mississippi home others Over 10 Taliban killed in Swat operation over 15 wounded in Gaza border tunnel explosion Pak delegation to join Indian Jewellry Show Pak hockey team returns home Pak-India wrestling to begin from Aug 15 Pakistan Pakistan leader to address nation (BBC NEWS) Pakistan probables including Shoaib Akhtar clear dope test Pakistan raid may signal more U.S. attacks Palin takes battle to Democrats PARCO seeks hike in LPG price People secures Jolie-Pitt photos Pervez Elahi’s resignation is result of PPP-PML (Q) deal: Qazi Hussain Petrol price down Rs5 Petroleum prices to be maintained for next 15 days PHC chief justice to take fresh oath today Pitt and Clooney at Venice debut PM calls high-level meeting for LG reforms on Sept 27 PML-N parts ways with ruling coalition POA plans events up to Asian Games Pole trek needs last explorer Political leadership should avoid differences for democracy: Fehmida Mirza Possible missile sale to India: Pentagon Potter fairytales to be published Potter film release date delayed Potter star used to crack crime Powerful Gustav heads to Caymans PPP to invite PML-N back into cabinet after judges’ restoration: PM Pre-Ramazan flour price hikes in Lahore President Musharraf arrives in Karachi President Musharraf cancels China visit over impeachment concerns President Musharraf likely to resign today: reports President says he will foil efforts to put him aside Price floor at KSE to remain intact at 9 Prices of essentials up by 33% for low-income group Primates 'face extinction crisis' PSM closure feared PTCL employees end strike on acceptance of demands Putin blames US for Georgia role Rains expected in some parts of country Rakhi Sawant Wallpapers Hot Sexy Rakhi Sawant Pictures Rashid Quraishi rubbishes President resignation buzz Rashid Qureshi terms allegations on President “baseless” Rebecca Romijn Record $482 Billion '09 Deficit Forecast Regulatory duty levied on 379 luxury items Remoulding Microsoft for the web Rescued Italian climbers reach Pakistan capital Respects paid to comic Bernie Mac Rice Holds First Face-to-Face Meeting with North Korean Counterpart Rice makes 'full-court press' to win US approval of nuke deal Rice to make historic Libya visit Richest Indian Woman Rihanna Row over video games ratings plan Royal screening for Harry Potter Rs30b decline in Govt. borrowings recorded: SBP Ruiyat Hilal Committee meeting today Rupee loses paisas 10 against dollar Rupee plunges to new low Rupee seen at history’s low today Russia begins Georgia handover Russia faces fresh condemnation Russia halts military work with NATO Russia to debate Georgian regions Russian armoured convoy moves closer to Tbilisi: report Sarkar Raj not to release in Pakistan says China : says lawyer Schumacher crash stuns car dealer Scientists expose mystery behind northern lights Scrabulous halted on Facebook Sea level rise by 2100 'below 2m' Sea Lion Attacks Australian Girl Search site aims to rival Google SECP meeting freezes 100 index at 9500 points Security forces killed 64 militants in Bajaur Security forces take control of Zargari in Hangu security put on high alert Security tightened in Peshawar Seven army men among 16 killed in Tripoli blast Seven killed in U.S. missile strike in South Waziristan Several injured in Kohat attempted suicide attack Several killed in coalition forces operation in S Waziristan SHC judges strength raise to 40 Shoaib could play in T20 cup after paying fine: PCB Shrinking chips use novel recipe Sienna Miller Sues After Being Exposed as Nude Married-Guy Smoocher Sindh Assembly approves President Musharraf’s impeachment Six dead in US shooting attacks SKorea press NKorea on nuke programme Slice of royal wedding cake sold Snail hides from march of history Solar plane makes record flight Son of former Bulgarian prime minister hurt in car crash Songwriter joins Idol judge panel Sony recalls 440 South Ossetia's president sacks government Spears to remain in father's care SRO issued Stocks continue to crash despite support efforts Stomach bug treatment for cancer Stroke killed singer Isaac Hayes Sub to make deep Caribbean dive Sugar export banned Suicide bomber killed in hospital attack Suicide bomber kills 30 in D I Khan Sun and Moon set to put on show Support for Darfur mission urged Supporters rally for ANC leader Taliban claim responsibility Talking Shop: Alexandra Patsavas Talking Shop: Chris Lilley Tallest Rideable Motorcycle Taylor's ill health played down Terror Killer's Welcome Terrorists to be pursued everywhere: Pentagon Thai police and protesters clash Thai school offers transsexual toilet Thaksin family's gamble fails to pay The Banana Splits in TV comeback The buzz of internet film teasers The largest biryani could not be cooked but in India The man Osama Bin Laden was looking for The New Craze: Facial Yoga The Obama Principle The picture that shames Italy The power of female blogging The Six Worst Foods For A Bikini Body The Soy-Sperm Connection The strange decline of the paperboy Thousands express support for Zuma three wounded Tight Security A Month From Earth Quake Today in Picture Today’s meeting with Zardari could be ‘decisive’: Nawaz Sharif Tom Cruise and Hanks top new power list Traditional UK names 'dying out' trainer David's leaves extended Tropic film holds on to top spot Tropical storm forms off Southeast coast Troubled Singer Amy Winehouse Rushed to Hospital Troubled Thai PM 'will not quit' Trusted sites thwart net hijacks Turbulent KSE-100 index breach 10 Two die as 2 rescue boats capsize near Peshawar two killed Two mortars found in Karachi Two Taliban commanders among 7 killed in Swat shelling U.S. U.S. court finds Aafia guilty of attacking US army U.S. yearns to work together with Pakistan: Richard Boucher UK wants right to pay to pollute Ukraine UN reauthorizes Darfur peacekeeping UN split on Ossetia resolutions UN would not allow N. Korean long-range missile tests: US Unilateral action is not allowed in FATA: PM Unscheduled load shedding throughout country US US announces $115 million aid for Pakistan US B-52 crashes off Guam US confirms raid inside Pakistan US cracks 'biggest ID fraud case' US demands Russian troop pull-out US denies helicopters fired on in Pakistan US keeping a close eye on situation in Pakistan: Admiral Mullen US lobbyist jailed for corruption US star Applegate fighting cancer US to boost military presence in Afghanistan by 1 US warns Russia of lasting impact vegetable prices jump up by 100 percent Villagers foil militants’ bid to hostage school children in Dir Violence in Georgia is unacceptable: Bush violence in Karachi Wagner says goodbye to Bayreuth Warner 'sues over Puttar movie' Was Burma's 1988 uprising worth it ? Wateen brings ‘Ramchand Pakistani’ to the Silver Screen WB: PM We are living in age of threat: Bush We increased power tariff on demand of IMF We won’t enter Pakistan to hunt down militants : NATO Week in pictures: 26 July - 1 Aug Week in pictures: 9-15 August What is the International Criminal Court ? Where are the new movie themes ? White House threatens veto on bill to sell govt oil Why are there so many flying ants? Why it matters Islamic Republic of Iran Wild dolphins tail-walk on water Wildfire threatens homes near Yosemite Valley Winehouse no-show legal warning Winning Olympic gold medals better that making world record: Bolt Wire-walk film omits 9/11 tragedy Withdrawal of Asif Zardari not true: Sherry Rehman Woman gives birth to 18th child in Canada World Bank asks Pak to do more to safeguard economy World Largest Ferris Wheel in Heilongjiang China World Oil prices Falls World's Skin Cancer Hot Spots X Factor denies contestant claims Yahoo board wins investor vote Yahoo bosses under fresh pressure Yahoo in cloud tie-up Yearly euro inflation at record high of 4.1% Yousuf Raza Gilani warns Kabul against incursions YouTube bans some weapons footage Zambia's president dies in France Zardari declines to reinstate Chief Justice: U.S. newspaper Zardari key meeting ends without result Zardari saddened by Nawaz’s decision Zardari wants minus-one formula on judges’ restoration: Nawaz Zardari’s election as president to breathe in stability in bourses